Good Governance Award 2024

We are delighted to announce that on Saturday, March 9th, the Bank of Thailand (BoT), in collaboration with the Puey Ungphakorn Institute, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Institute, and the Thai Bankers Association, organized a distinguished ceremony to present the "Outstanding Governance Award of the Year 2024" or the "Good Governance Award for Outstanding Employee Treatment" to A.G.L. Company International Company Limited, the operator of St. Mark's International School.

This accolade is a testament to St. Mark's unwavering commitment to fostering a workplace environment that prioritizes the well-being, growth, and empowerment of its employees. While the specific name of the award might not be widely recognized, its essence aligns with established principles of exemplary employee treatment, which are vital for any thriving organization.

Receiving the "Good Governance Award for Outstanding Employee Treatment" reaffirms St. Mark's International School's position as a leader in providing a nurturing and supportive workplace environment. This prestigious recognition serves as motivation to continue our journey of excellence in employee care and organizational governance.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Bank of Thailand, the Puey Ungphakorn Institute, the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Institute, and the Thai Bankers Association for honoring us with this esteemed award. We also commend our dedicated team whose hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence have made this achievement possible.